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Poste d’éducateur(trice) Montessori proche de Toulouse

EMI is looking to recruit an English-speaking Montessori guide  with a minimum experience, interested in working in pairs with a French-speaking teacher. You will be sharing the responsibility of a class of 25 children, working together while supported by the director and the pedagogical  coordinator.
 You’ll have the opportunity to become part of an enthusiastic bilingual team, passionate about Montessori education You will be part of a dynamic community and will be able to contribute to the development of the EMI.
The ideal candidate will be able to demonstrate a strong sense of responsibility, take initiative, work as part of a team, always seeking to progress in their practice and adapt to the needs of the children.
The school is in a beautiful setting with plenty of opportunities for gardening and ecological projects to be developed on site.
Music, Visual art and Sports are developed by specific  teachers.
Drama is a combined work between the two guides and is performed in both languages.
We follow the salary scales of the collective agreement for independent schools.
Preparation and upkeep of the environment and materials.
 Preparing work charts throughout  the year.
Introducing children to appropriate Montessori materials;
Monitoring each child’s progress using Transparent Classroom software, and observing children’s progress and needs. Communicating regularly with parents;
Holding individual meetings with parents and prepare children’s quarterly reports.
Participate in team meetings and collaborate on school projects.
Making suggestions
Being available at the end of the school year and at the end of August for classroom immersion and preparation for the start of the 2024 school year.
Desired experience and qualifications :
 – Montessori training (6-11 years)
– Several years’ experience as an elementary school teacher; beginners accepted
– Ability to interact respectfully and empathetically with children and adults;
-Ability to organize, adapt and work as part of a team;
 – Excellent oral and written expression skills;
– Proactivity and a strong sense of responsibility.
Benefits :
 Preferential child rate, Montessori team support, help finding accommodation.
 In conclusion, if you fit the profile and are looking to join a family school on a human scale in a friendly environment with a dynamic team, please send us your application by email.
Type of employment : CDI
 Salary:follows the private school convention
 Number of hours in class: 27 per week
 Starting date : 29/08/2024
Contact: montessori grenade2@gmail.com

Fanny, recherche un poste d’éducatrice Montessori

Nous publions des annonces depuis l’année 1995 puisque notre website a été le tout premier en langue française a le faire.

Actuellement les annonces se trouvent sur cette page dédiée de notre site 

N’hésitez pas à nous en proposer, c’est gratuit pour nos adhérents et (ex)stagiaires.

Nous avons besoin de nous serrer les coudes et de continuer à faire connaître la pédagogie de la famille Montessori, ainsi que les structures qui l’appliquent en France. C’est le but de notre association.

Nous aidons aussi tous nos stagiaires à trouver des stages, un travail, à créer une école ou à appliquer la méthode dans leur profession.

Fanny recherche un poste d’éducatrice Montessori pour la rentrée prochaine, en région toulousaine, basque ou Espagne. Contactez-la si vous recrutez prochainement.


Poste d’éducateur(trice) dans une classe élémentaire Montessori

L’école « Arbre bleu Montessori » est située dans les Yvelines, à 20 min de Montigny-le-Bretonneux ou du Perray-en-Yvelines, et profite du cadre arboré magnifique du parc de l’Abbaye Notre Dame de la Roche, tout proche du Mesnil-Saint-Denis. La proximité de la nature et du vivant offre aux enfants une quiétude et une sérénité rare.

L’école agrandit son équipe pédagogique et recrute un(e) éducateur(trice) Montessori formée, pour la classe élémentaire.

Cliquez sur le lien ICI pour visualiser la fiche de poste et peut-être proposer votre candidature !